These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things: Part 2 .. LADIES!

The Bold && The BEAUTIFUL!

so i like to google and experiment .. to find out the best things for me and my body and health
so for whatever ladies that happen to read my lil ole bloggie
here are a few things i use that 

 St. Ives apricot scrub
this is a GREAT face exfoliator 
its great for dry skin, acne and gives you this nice glow afterwards
and the good thing about it is it doesn't leave you with oily skin

cause LAWD KNOWS .. my nose is usually SOO oily i have personal elbow grease!

 BIOTIN! .. god's greatest gift to bald bitches
so i started taking biotin 2500mg a while ago after my mother discovered a small damaged section of my hair.
its not only good for hair growth but also nails&&skin

-great hair growth and fullness while also giving it a extra natural shine
-strong nails that grow quickly and break less
-has a part in clearing skin up

since it quickens your metabolism
this ish will leave you with the appetite of the incredible hulks incredibly pregnant hulk wife

summer's eve .. FEMININE WASH .. yes ladies .. VAGINA SOAP! LMFAO
but seriously .. this is a nice feminine wash that you add to a wash cloth or use bare and
just wash down low .. it'll leave you feeling .. EXTREMELY fresh .. 
SO please please PLEASE!
use this during aunt reds visit OR when you have another type of visit *wink,wink*

Dove's body wash are by far the BEST body wash there is
i love the cucumber and pomegranate
andddd thats all that matters :)

when your unable to get that good ole wax
just in time for the beach
ya know *WINK,WINK*
they went in and redid the formula, ingredients .. WHATEVER
all over again because surprisingly it doesn't have that strong amino smell it use to

 Victoria Secret's Breathless is a great light spring/summer smell,
i say spring and summer simply because when you spray then throw your
heavy coat on and go from hot to cold climates
the original smell it had
ISN'T so original

olive oil sheen
this is not only good for hair shine and lubricating your scalp 
but its also good for eye make up/make up removal
*throws confetti* SURPRISE!
olive oil is a great homemade make up removal
even though i only spray it on a napkin and wipe my eye shadows off
im pretty sure you can use it on your whole face if desired 

Switching Teams


so i sold Pablo .. my Nikon D5000
i sold him at a REASONABLY good price
due to the minor damages to him

don't worry though .. im not giving up the photography
im just saving some money to get CANON *gasp*

i know i know
how could i possibly switch teams like that?
i love love LOVE Nikon
but canon is where the heart is
i love taking pics on my friends canons
its just something about the smooth shutter speed and clarity
that takes my breath away
*side eye*
to you guys its just a camera
but to people who are passionate about things
its totally different 

hopefully within this month i should be able to order HIM
who i shall name EZRA

patience is virtue .. and well at the moment, patience is all the fuck im stuck with
cause UHHHH my pay checks aren't that fantastic  *Thumbs down*

p.s last i heard .. Pablo had a sex change and is now being called Stacy *Thumbs down*

Trey Songz -Doorbell

im saying this now
if you are reading this post?
play this song when we're alone
and im taking you the hell DOWN

this song is SEXY
it SECRETS sexiness
like its screaming sex

like .. *takes panties off and rings it out*

the beat is dope also .. VERY sexy .. i think listening to the instrumentals 
itself might end in the same results

*thumbs up* to Mr Songz 
because this is one of his TOP best albums thus far


so as of late a friend of mine has a great idea and asked me to help
since i like to research and i have some resources
i agreed to help
right now the plan is being conceived
imagine the sperm racing to reach the egg
*side eye* yea thats exactly where the plan is

I've done my extensive research even though im not done
hopefully when their ready and confident and want the world to know
i'll be sharing :)

But till then? shhh its my little secret ^_^

Jah Cure - Unconditional Love (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

this. song. makes. me. fall. in. love. ALL THE FUCK OVER AGAIN
i love this song .
so sweet && smooth
the beat is nice .. lyrics beautiful
and jah cure is actually a ALRIGHT looking guy

but .. where the hell is the location of the video?
why did he go from the front seat to the back seat of the car?
where is the feat. artist on this song? lol
and who .. WHO .. WHO
is that GORGEOUS guitar player?
he can serenade my ass ANYTIME!

this song makes my lil piece of heart believe in love every time i hear it

Moment Of Silence

im going to dedicate this post to my homie
Fredric aka CAVEMAN
he tragically passed away april 4th from a gunshot induced coma

he was a young inspirational deep man
who was sweet and funny
and always a fresh of breath air
i didn't know him for too long
about a yr or two
and i would always see him at random times
but i always appreciated and like those random visits

his death was very sudden and horrible
and even though i knew he was in the hospital i had hope in my mind and heart he would recover
and be back to his old self in no time soon
sad to say i was wrong

my block is like a inner family .. and everyone is a brother or sister to me ..
this is the 2nd loss in less then a year and it leaves me with such a empty feeling
of course i cant compare to the pain some of my friends that knew him longer are feeling .. but its pain non the less

Freddy .. you will always be missed .. and i hope your up in heaven looking down on us .. because god only knows how much we all need an angel

Est March 28th

my birthday was last Monday (MARCH 28TH)
and i turned 21
wow .. i am LEGAL NOW
like im considered a full ADULT
im responsible for all my actions now
(inserts tears here)

i wasn't so excited about my birthday and the weekend before was a total BUST
but then again i didn't mind, saved some money in MY pocket

but on my wonderful day of birth i woke up early, cooked myself a delicious BIG breakfast and just enjoyed the morning .. my homie sam came by and we headed to Williamsburg to hit this thrift shop i wanted to go to (OF COURSE HITTING THE LIQUOR STORE FIRST)
then that night 2 friends and i went to cafeteria for some appetizers and drinks .. then we went to a pool hall for drinks and shots .. then to a bar for some more drinks and shots :D

can you tell i had a good night?? lol

that weekend i went out partying and out to eat .. i wasn't expecting any crazy big birthday extravaganza and i was extremely content and happy with the outcome of my birthday. 

oy vey .. now im a extremely old fart .. *SIGH*


well i know i was doing oh so good with the updates and suddenly i stopped .. its not my fault .. WELL it is .. but .. whatever .. LOL .. i've been alllllllllllll over the place .. and i THINK i've finally gotten it together .. hmmm .. i'm lying .. but i want to be more devoted to my blogging since i think i have a few followers :)