Marsha Ambrosius - Hope She Cheats On You

Marsha Ambrosius is BEAUTIFUL .. inside and out
1/2 of the old group of floetry 
she's just a BEAUTIFUL soul
and this song?
OH LAWD .. this song speaks out how i use to feel about a old ting of mine
i was sure as hell bitter
but i got over it .. WHATEVS!

She cute and all, but that won't last forever. 
What I had for you was so much better. 
Yeah the grass ain't greener on the other side of town. 
Now look at how it all turned out now. 
I'm a little bitter, just a little bitter. 
But I'm doing better, 'cause we ain't together. 
You sorry excuse for somebody I was into. 
Remember what it was when I was wit' you? 

Just another day

Am I the only one who's so bi-polar with my days?

It might be weather related and how I went to sleep that night

But there's some days where I wake up and I just loooooove outside .. And my life .. And the sun .. And my friends .. I'm so giddy .. And talkative .. Non caring .. I feel beautiful .. And not a thing can ruin my day .. I laugh in the face of evil .. Not even the nastiest attitude can make me mad .. That's when I'll listen to everyones problems .. And give the best advice .. That's when I hit up the guy I'm talking to .. Telling him how much I miss him .. Grab my mom a few of her favorites things .. On my best daughter behavior

And then

There's the gloomy days ..where I just hate the fact that I gotta get up and leave my bed .. Everything annoys me .. I hate the weather .. I hate my job .. The fact that I gotta spend money .. My friends get slightly ignored .. I hate talking to customers .. Look at me too long and I'll hate you too .. My mom gets the worst of my out lashes .. I brush off my possible suitors .. Like I just wish I could go home and confine myself to my bed ..

Or is this just me?

De la natural

So .. I've decided to go natural *dramatic music*

Yes .. I've said it .. NATURAL *more dramatic music*

I got a perm when I was in the 10th grade .. So about 16/17 .. I grew tired of my moms typical dinosaur braids and our 3 day hair wash process .. And she gave me 2 choices .. Perm or dreads (even though I doubt she would've let me dread my hair) and I happily excitedly pick a perm .. And LET ME TEEEEEEEEEEEELL YOU *chews gum chicken-headishly* I thought I was the shit .. Cutie with a booty and long luscious hair

YEAAA ALRIIIIIIGHT .. I think my gassed up head lasted about a year before I started treating my hair horrible .. No deep conditioners, trims, wraps .. Thinking I was a white girl and taking naps without tying my hair .. Eating junk food .. NO VITAMINS!

Slowly but surely my hair starting breaking off something serious .. And I started imagining myself as one of those girls with long hair with only 2 strands of hair .. OH NO *grabs scissors* so after much thought and consideration and motivation from my cousin and just the beauty of natural hair and things you can do to it .. Products you can put in it .. I was convinced and sold ..

If only I knew THEN what I know NOW .. I would be rocking my big diana ross .. Solonge .. Erykah badu fro

Unfortunately society and my mother doesn't view natural hair as beautiful .. But guess what .. WHO THE FUCK CARES!


You know what I hate .. That when I tell a lot of people I want to get married first then work on children they laugh as if its impossible and like I'm suppose to accept that I'll be like the typical women who has a baby father vs husband

As if I'm not good enough or qualified to be considered a wife .. Or that I'll be so deep and lost into love one day with my boyfriend that I'll slip up and get pregnant ..

Um no thanks .. I've was involved with someone for 2 yrs in which I passed the 'in love' 'infatuated' stage and didn't slip up

I have goals .. I have dreams .. Do I want children? That's still under consideration .. I want to plan my kids rather then it be off one night of temptation

And it also makes me feel bad for the males .. It comes off as if males are incapable of marriage and love and monogamous relationships .. Oh well .. I have faith that there's a shitload of good guys out there .. I'm chilling .. They'll come to me in due time
love is a beautiful thing
im just thinking

Im Just Saying, You Can Do Better

well .. drake .. i like your new song
SWAG! lol
but seriously i like it
idk if this song got leaked or whatever but all the versions SUCK ASS
in this one, he sounds like a new editions member

8 out of 10 guys can relate to this song
every guy fronting like drake wack on this song
is most likely the same one to call his ex when he's drunk

Cups of the Rose
Bitches in my old phone
I should call one and go home
I’ve been in this spot too long.
The woman that I would try
Is happy with a good guy
But I’ve been drinking so much
That I’ma call her anyway and say
“Fuck that nigga that you love so bad.
I know you still think about the times we had I'm just saying you could do better

Se La Vie

One thing I love about life is .. If something isn't going right .. Not the way you want it too .. You have all the ability and the power in the world to change it

And yet ... .. People are still ungrateful
Why is that?
You wake up everyday .. With a roof over your head .. Probably food in your fridge .. Sometimes money in your pocket .. Maybe a job .. Might be in school .. WAKE UP everyday .. But yet that isn't good enough for people
And to me .. That's selfish

i might not have both parents .. my job does suck .. not in school till September .. not the biggest pockets but there always full .. no relationship .. and yet i'm the happiest i've ever been ..

i volunteer at a homeless shelter where its my responsibility to prepare food and set out the bedding for the clients .. and let me tell you .. theses guys are the most nicest polite cheerful appreciative guys i've ever known .. always complimenting the food even when sometimes  I myself know it sucks .. always wanting me and my friend to finish school and better ourselves .. and when they finally do get their apartments, they are BEYOND ecstatic and grateful and even i cant help but to be happy for them.

and then we have people who already have ALLLLLL these things but yet arent satisfied .. goes to show you how pathetic and selfish human can really be



So its summer time .. Hot weather .. Beaches .. Backyard parties .. Teeny weeny barely there clothes .. Late night hangouts .. And BBQ's!

*insert applause here*

Now I don't know anyone who doesn't like a good ole BBQ .. Good food, drinks, music, friends, strangers .. And $10 entrance fee

*steps on brakes* wait .. What?

SINCE WHEEEEEEEEN ... Do we have to pay to enter BBQ's? I don't get it .. .. And here's were they catch you .. Pay a fee for unlimited food and drinks .. .. Oh OK .. But hold up .. I can go up the block to timmy's and get the same deal for free

LOL honestly .. Why am I paying for a bbq that 1. Might not have any food or drinks by the time I reach 2. Might be crowded 3.might be thrown in a small backyard or 4.WILL get shut down by cops?

No chanks .. I'll jst throw some hot dogs and burgers on my skillet and call it a day